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Writer's picture: Dana KlassenDana Klassen

On January 30th I underwent Explant En Bloc/Total Capsulectomy, and happy to say I am 100% healthy now. It’s been just over six months since my breast implants were removed from my body. I can say I no longer live with any breast implant illness symptoms, I’m back playing the sports I love, having just finished my soccer season end of July my team and I won the League & Playoffs. I have scored more goals this season than I had in all my years playing soccer. Now my ice hockey season is coming up, looking forward to playing now that I have my strength & speed back. It’s amazing to breathe normal again and not feel any pain or weakness in my chest, before I felt like I was slowly dying inside for so many years. I can now hike and go for long walks for hours and not feel winded or like I’m gonna pass out. I'm forever grateful I found out about Breast Implant Illness on social media on November. 26th 2018. It was eighteen years ago when I decided to get Breast Implants, and for the past five years I started experiencing symptoms that no Doctor or Hospital could diagnose. I had become extremely sick with symptoms unexplained, I went from an athlete to feeling like I was literally dying, my health had declined rapidly in the last two months prior to my surgery. Making the choice to undergo Explant surgery and have my body back to the way it was meant to be, I have no regrets. I honestly love my body more, seeing my scars are a daily reminder that they saved my life. The only thing I wish is that I could go back in time and get the years back I lost from having those breast implants making me so sick from Breast Implant Illness. I know now that I've turned my life around I’ve took control and know that I’m beautiful without fake breasts, Breast Implants don’t define me. I’m grateful for learning about the truth about breast implants and how Real Breast Implant illness is. I know a lot of women don’t want to believe the truth about Breast Implant illness but it's 100% Real. Hearing stories like mine are real and why would you want to keep Breast Implants which are manufactured with a huge list of chemicals and harsh crap inside your beautiful body sitting on top of your most vital organs, they are extremely toxic. Natural breasts are the most beautiful, I love having my small sporty boobs back what the hell was I thinking when I made the decision to have foreign objects inside my body. I still get tears just thinking about how severely ill I'd gotten and how much worse I would've become if I had not made the choice to have my Breast Implants removed. I got a second chance to live the way I was meant to be naturally beautiful. I feel beautiful, 8 inch scars and all I'm proud that I didn’t live another day with those Breast Implants in my body. I’ve taken control and got my health and life back.

Believe in yourself!!

Take control of your life!!

Regain your true beauty!!

Take that step now to become healthy again!!

Love yourself enough to be who you are meant to be breast implants don’t define you!!

I wish all the best to every women reading my blog and around the world who are suffering from Breast Implant Illness.

And recovering from surgery.

And healing still after the harsh effects that you now live with because the silicon ruptured, or mould got into your system causing illness.

Or the worst you have CANCER now because of those Breast Implants.

Along with every list of terrible side effects your body still fights because it was to late the immune system suffered too long.

I wish we all knew the truth about Breast Implants before we made the mistake of putting them into our bodies.

We have the choice now to put a stop to all the damage they made taking control of our lives.

Those manufacturers that are making Breast Implants are ruining/killing women’s lives and in order to put an end to this horrible crisis we need to all start putting awareness out and speak about our stories about Breast Implants in order to stop more woman from suffering like we have.

I hope we see a ban 100% for all Breast Implants!!

I wish the best to all you beautiful strong woman. I hope that every woman who reads my blog on how Breast Implants were my worst nightmare and make the decision to regain your health it’s 100% the best choice you will ever make, you will save your life like I did and live again


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Writer's picture: Dana KlassenDana Klassen

Updated: Feb 26, 2019

My road trip to better my health & regain my life!! November 26th, 2018 the day I found out I had been dealing with Breast Implant Illness for the past 3 years with all the unknowns to why till now has been one hell of a rollercoaster ride, literally living my worst nightmare. Three weeks prior to Christmas 2018, my personal Dr. sent a referral to Dr. Aaron Brown who has his office in Abbotsford B.C. He read my file and instantly knew I was in need of the surgery he specializes in called Explant En bloc/Total Capsulectomy. I received a phone call that my surgery date was on January 30th, 2019. Overwhelmed with excitement but nervous knowing this was a huge surgery and step to finally recovering from an illness that was slowly killing me. It had caused my immune system to become extremely compromised. I marked my calendar and counted each day down, it seemed like an eternity but I was more prepared for this surgery mentally and my body was definitely showing the physical signs & dealing with the overwhelming amount of symptoms. Nothing would stop me from doing what I knew would change my life 100% for the better. Langley B.C. was where my surgery would take place, at the YES Surgical Centre. On January 28th I packed my bags with my two amazing young adult children, my son twenty-three & my daughter twenty-one & our sweet five year old Jack Russell. I was so thankful to have their love & support through this journey, along with so many family & friends, I couldn’t have done it without their help. I was to uncomfortable to drive so my kids took turns on our 3 1/2 hour drive to Langley, where we stayed across the street in a hotel that catered to me amazingly for our entire stay. Arriving in our 4 night suite we got settled and I enjoyed my time with my kids & dog for the next day and a half. I had my first consultation appointment with Dr. Aaron Brown at 3:30pm on January 29th, at his office 30 minutes away from the hotel where we were staying. I saw Dr. Aaron Brown he explained the surgery procedure to me looking at being 2 hours at least. He checked my breasts and explained they are definitely firmer than they should be, he knew then that my capsules were probably thick. I then signed my papers and got my pain prescription & Antibiotics filled at the pharmacy. Had my surgery prep sheets and my time scheduled to arrive at the YES Surgical Centre 11:15am. I got back to the hotel and was not allowed to eat or drink anything after midnight, I drank lots of water up until that time but my appetite was already pretty light. I had lost my appetite completely 3 weeks prior forcing myself to always eat just so my body would stay strong to prepare for surgery. I did my prep wash & scrub the night before and the morning before my surgery. Making sure I was squeaky clean as I knew I wouldn’t be showering for a few days. My nerves kicked into overdrive but I surprisingly stayed calm, smiling and staying positive all the time. I arrived at my scheduled time 11:15am to start preparing for surgery, I first went over the information on my surgery and signed my final papers to get my surgery started. I was then taken to a very tranquil room special for me to relax while waiting, I had a massage/heated comfy recliner to lie back in, once I got my lovely surgery gown that was open at the front, I also had some comfy socks & warm robe to put on along with my beautiful hair cap to hold my hair in while having surgery. I was definitely feeling the nerves more now as I looked the part, dressed for surgery. My Surgeon Dr. Aaron Brown came in shortly after to take photos of my breasts and mark my breasts with a marker to plan his procedure for the incisions and everything he needed to do. So now totally looking the part, ready for surgery to happen any moment as I relaxed in the chair and after a little while of waiting the anesthesiologist came in to talk to me. All was set now, I was fully ready as I relaxed again for a short while a nurse came in to say we're ready for you now and walked me into the huge surgical suite there standing nurses, anesthesiologist and Dr. Aaron Brown. I was asked to remove my robe & lay on the surgical bed, not the most comfortable felt like a surfboard, but shaped like a human figure with a place to lie your legs, arms and body, it was actually quite comfy as I had a heated surgical bed and blankets. I was not really looking around at all the surgical equipment around me but looking up at the big oversized lights above me. I had special compression pads put on my lower legs to prevent clotting, they kept the circulation moving while lying down for the surgical procedure. My arms were put up on the arm rests that went straight out. My anesthesiologist took my left arm and told me I’m going to prep your arm now for the anesthesia, he sterilized the arm and then said you’ll feel a slight prick, it was no big deal quick needle that was numbed to put the bigger needle for the intravenous drip that the anesthetic would be put into. I looked up at the lights again and smiled and said to myself all is going to be ok stay strong, then out loud said lets do this and that’s all I remember I was out. I woke from my recovery and instantly noticed I could breathe normal again, I was able to breathe deep, something I hadn’t done in so long. And I finally had the weight off my chest from the breast implants pushing on my chest wall. I knew my surgery was 100% worth what I was already noticing in my health, already feeling healthier and I know my body will continue to improve throughout my recovery. Just removing my breast implants from my body after knowing how sick they made me and how my body declined so fast from having them. Makes me all that much happier and excited for my future, as I will be healthy finally and can start living my life again being proud of my body and the way I'm meant to look, breast implants don’t define me. My surgery took approx. 2 hours, I was in recovery till almost 5pm when my kids came to pick me up. They drove across the street to pick me up, I was wheelchaired out and was pretty much still sleeping as I was extremely exhausted. My kids took me back to our hotel suite where they had set my bed on the couch as I had to sleep sitting up at a forty-five degree angle, so I had pillows propped up and a leg rest under my legs it was surprisingly quite comfortable. My time after surgery and for the next day were pretty much sleeping and waking up to have my drain’s emptied that were put inside each breast during surgery to remove all the excess blood/fluid that would accumulate. My kids were amazing, they did my drain’s for me as I was to tired & under pain meds to really be able to do it myself. My arms were sore to lift, pull and raise, so I was only really able to do so little. I used the washroom myself, usually just needing a little extra help from my daughter to help put my shirt and pants back to normal as they would be quite awkward for me to position properly. Drinking lots of fluids all the time & having my pain meds & Antibiotics taken at correct times with my kids help. Getting up and walking around was extremely important as I made extra effort to do so, I even went out and walked around the parking lot many times when the kids took our dog out to do his business. My pre-op appointment was at 1:15pm on Friday February 1st, my kids packed up all our stuff and we left our hotel suite to drive 30 minutes to Dr. Aaron Browns Office to find out about everything from my surgery. I arrived and got called into one of the rooms, he told me that my surgery went extremely well and that my capsules were way thicker than they're supposed to be, telling me they should have been removed from my body years ago. My capsules came out perfectly in tacked with the implants which is very important. He said the capsules (scar tissue) had become so thick that it started growing into my armpits so he said he had to remove it all, which is very important not to leave any capsule (scar tissue) behind. He handed me my breast implants as they were cleaned and bagged to be handed to me in their special hazard bag lol. Dr. Aaron Brown removed the drain’s which were so relieving, as they weren’t the most comfortable. After the drain’s were removed he unwrapped my dressing to show my breasts for the first time. Shocked but so happy to know I didn’t have the breast implants poisoning my body any longer was an amazing feeling. He filled my prescription to last for a week, I thanked him so much for all that he did and for doing such an amazing job. I have 8 inch incisions to look at every day now, once had toxic breast implants behind them but I look at them now and smile because these scars saved my life.

*Warning Graphic*


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Writer's picture: Dana KlassenDana Klassen

Updated: Feb 26, 2019

The truth is, no implant on the market today can last a lifetime. Every type is prone to leaking and rupturing, and in cases of the saline valve implants, they can even become black with mould, causing a systemic fungal problem in a person’s body. One of my biggest fears when I found out about my Breast Implant Illness. One of my implants has mould starting to grow on the valve, I’m so thankful that my breast implants are no longer in my body as the mould would have continued spreading throughout the capsules. Even inside the actual implant itself mould forms by the leaky valve not sealing properly which allows body fluid to seep into the breast implant which spreads to the inside the body making a women more ill than she already is. Literally my worst nightmare, it’s 100% proven that breast implants do not last. They can rupture, and the longer they’re in the body the more likely they are to rupture. The statistics are kind of scary, because around 50 percent of implants rupture by 10 years. When the implants are 15 to 20 years you’re looking at almost 90 percent of a chance the implants will rupture. I should have had my breast implants replaced twice already, as my capsules had become extremely thick and caused extreme pain. The scar tissue from the capsules grew right into my armpits which had to be removed completely during my surgery, making my surgery more aggressive causing me more discomfort and pain while taking longer to heal after. Not able to lift pull or raise my arms was hard enough but to now deal with more bruising and less movement makes my healing process take even longer than originally expected. Having my capsules sent away and swabbed for pathology for testing, making sure bacteria, fungi and cancer are all ruled out. The most worrisome is that while most of the silicone is contained within the capsule, some can still leak into the body. It’s thought that the total number of implants carried out each year is anywhere between 5 to 10 million. Before the operations women are often told by their surgeons that it's a safe procedure with "very little risk". The FDA also says breast implants are relatively safe, most women don’t realize that this is simply not the case. There is in fact a growing body of evidence, with thousands of horror stories from women all over the world, whose breast implants have ended in disaster to prove that they are not safe and are actually causing debilitating autoimmune disorders and other physical problems in many women. Myself being one of them it’s not a matter of if your going to become sick it’s a matter of when. If you have breast implants, or are considering them, I urge you to take my blog very seriously. And read all my information on my blog website it’s extremely important to know the risks that you are going to face along with future surgeries as breast implants are not meant to be put into a women’s body so the longer they are in the body, the more likely the risk of complications arising. And if any of your friends or family members already have implants, please refer them to my blog website. Their health and life as well as your own may depend on it. Breast implants are not lifetime guaranteed, my surgeon who performed my Breast Augmentation told me they will be good for my life, worse case a serious accident would be the only real cause for them to rupture. Completely false information back when I got my breast implants on April 10, 2001 the breast implants didn’t have any long term studies. Since then all women who've got breast implants have been a study, it’s a fact they are failing and things need to change. A women’s body was not meant to have the breast implants inside their bodies Breast Implant Illness is becoming more and more available to women through awareness like my blog telling my personal story and letting women know this is going to happen to you if you put these toxic implants inside your body. The silicone material is extremely harmful and all breast implants have the silicone no breast implants on the market are safe. What women don’t realize is that while they may become happier with how their breasts look, they may end up with auto-immune disorders that are so bad they end up in wheelchairs, or develop Arthritis, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Cancer, and a whole host of other problems even loss of life. Breast implants are a ticking time bomb that put all women at risk, do not put them in your body. I’ve lived the nightmare and don’t want to see any more women suffer like I have.

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